
Protoplasmic kiss, Mixed media,
Sandip Samaddar
Sandip Samaddar
Born in 1985 in Kolkata, India.
Raised in the neighborhoods of Kaligath, with a childhood full of challenges, Sandip Samaddar found in his pencils and colors a way-out to express his feelings and the experiences that were shaping him. He eventually graduated in Fine Arts in 2008 from Rabindra Bharati University.
Gifted in music, soon after his graduation he embarked on a research project on the traditional Baul music for which he travelled extensively through the rural region of Bengal from India and Bangladesh during almost ten years. The journey colored his natural curiosity about life with a note of mysticism.
Dots, circles, lines and powerful figures often come together in Sandip’s artwork rendering either pure, simple, background-less designs or pieces of a grandeur complexity settled in a spaceless tapestry. His striking drawings are not the result of deliberating efforts but are an outpour from within.
The synapse filtered through Sandip’s perspective, who has been long inspired by Cajal’s drawings and poetry, displays the vast spectrum of possibilities unfolded from a delicate and intimate connection.